Monday, January 30, 2012

School or District Technology Plan

The Valley View ISD Technology Plan is to provide a coordinated, multi-year blueprint for the development of technology within the community.  The plan has been developed to provide a consistent focus for developing and supporting technology, establish priorities for implementing various technologies, promote the efficient and effective use of district resources, and develop a framework for decision-making related to technology.  Funds have been allocated for the continual professional development of staff in technology on a monthly basis which will be coordinated by the Director of Technology.  Valley View has a yearly inventory on the equipment and services to ensure that proper maintenance and upgrades are done in order to ensure student learning.  Since 95% of the school is low income, the district qualifies for the 90% e-rate discount on all connectivity and telecommunications.  This allows for the continual upkeep of the infrastructure for the district.  The district provides needs assessments to identify the objectives of the instructional technology plan and makes recommendations as needed to improve on those needs.  The district technology plan will be reviewed annually to ensure that the project is on track. A team of administrators, teachers and librarians will be in charge of the review and responsible for making the appropriate recommendations to the stakeholders.   The plan will be updated and revised as changes arise or if the status changes on any areas of the plan.  There are several methods in place to ensure the success of the implementations for all areas of the technology plan.

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