Monday, January 30, 2012

Technology Assessments

I believe that assessment surveys such as the Star are very important in determining how technology literate our educators and students are.  It provides an insight into what needs to be done by the school district to better prepare and plan for instruction.  The assessments are not only used for one area of technology, they serve as an overview of how Educators are using technology in the classroom.  Educators must meet certain standards so that they can then utilize their knowledge and skills and effectively teach our students.  For example, educators who want to incorporate technology into their lesson plan must understand what the best tool is for delivering that lesson.  Without proper knowledge and skills, they would not be able to effectively communicate with the students.  Students are assessed as well they are assessed in the level of skill and how well they use technology to meet their needs.  It is very important to know at what skill and knowledge level students are, so that the Educators accommodate the instruction for maximum learning and participation from the students.  The cons on the assessments are that they may not always be accurate.  There may be times when the teachers or administrators do not have time to fill out the surveys.  Although they are mandated by the state, they may be overlooked or just forgotten thus providing false data.  The pros are that it can be used by school district to determine the needs of the students and teachers and make appropriate recommendations for support.

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