Thursday, March 15, 2012

Action Plan Template


  1. Adriana your action research topic is very interesting.I would like to see the results and follow your plan and get some ideas from this. Students making videos to help with discipline sounds as a great idea! I think you will have great results.

  2. I agree that this topic is very interesting. Discipline is an important isssue and affects students' academic success. Are you going to try to research other schools who implemented the same method as you and had succes?

    1. I am definately going to research other schools. Not all methods work for everyone the same, so I need to find the best one for our campus.

  3. Adriana,

    What will the videos be about? I understand that you are doing it on student behavior but what are you attempting to do? Are you going to show students acting up or have a demonstation of what they can or will do? I would like to see the vids when you get done? I have 5th graders and they can be sneaky or so they think.


    1. Randy,

      The videos will be based on which discipline referrals we get the most and attempt to minimize those referrals with guidelines through videos.

  4. I would like to know who will be the main audience for the videos? Are you going to make some for the educators and some for the students?

    1. The main audience are 8th and 9th grade students as this is what we have on our campus. If the videos work out well, we can then move to distributing the videos to other campuses and targeting other age levels.

  5. Adriana,

    I am so sorry I thought I commented on your plan.

    I like your topic for research, behavior is an issue people are not willing to address. It will be interesting to see your final product. Will the videos be skits performed by other students that will give a scenerio and then play out the action of what that behavior is to show other students how to deal with certain issues?

    Good luck and I will be following.

    1. Hi Ericka,

      Yes, the videos will be skits made by students. This will allow students to relate to the videos since the actors are fellow students.

  6. In meeting with my site supervisor, he gave me some suggestions on my action research plan. This will be my final draft and suggestions on the Evaluation process of my plan. From the collection of data from pre and post testing, documenting process through progress reports and parent contacts. Character development, mentorship with administrators, students creating the dialogue and interviewing the teachers, staff and community were other suggestions of evaluation. Other areas of evaluation included interview process skills through ELA and career development from counselors. The school wants to implement a sort of school news station around campus. Documentation with student contracts by discipline can also be used in the evaluation process. In the persons responsible, he advised me to include counselors when meeting with administrators. He also suggested that I meet with the ELA teachers for script writing so that the students can participate even more within the video process. Resources included having product based videos.

  7. Interesting and creative idea! I think it will help involve people and show roles they can play. I suggest letting the students help write the scripts or production. Perhaps it will make them 'allies' and a sympathetic audience.

  8. Sorry it took me so long. I am very impressed. It seems like quite an undertaking. It shows that you have put substantial thought into your plan, and discipline is an area of great need on many campuses. I will be interested to see your outcome.
