Saturday, March 3, 2012

Action Research Blog

Action research is a methodology used for bringing about change.  It is a cyclical process in which you use your experience to pose a question or “wondering” to find a solution.  Action research differs from traditional research in that you do not rely on outside experts to tell you what you need to do to improve your school.  The purpose of action research is to use the administrators or teachers as the “head learners” and engage in the process of bringing about change by reflecting on their own actions.  Administrators are directly involved in process of gathering data, analyzing the data, developing a plan of action and sharing this information with other staff members.  One of the ways that we can use action research at work is to find pose a question to which we can make a change for the better of the school.  An example of such as question would be “how can the use of digital video assist in promoting positive behavior and discipline for students and teachers?”   By researching and engaging in this research, we can find a solution to the problem and implement the possible solutions then sharing the findings with the rest of the school. 

Blogs are a great way for administrators to reflect on their thoughts.  By posting their reflections on blogs, they can share information with colleagues find ideas and practice inquiry.

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